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S Corporation Filing

File your S corporation today!

Simply complete the S corporation forms, pay a one-time small fee and your business will have an official S corporation filing.

Various tax and company structure considerations will prompt many business owners and companies to restructure debt and modify company structures to facilitate greater levels of growth opportunities in the short and long term life of business.

What are the main advantages of an S Corporation Filing?

Corporations offer protection from personal liability of company success and/or failure. However, there are plenty of cases where filing a corporation, for many small and even medium sized company owner(s) offer little to no protection depending on various company apparatus. Meaning the corporate veil is often easily breached by even beginning attorneys.

There are two basic reasons, for choosing an S Corporation filing vs. an LLC or C Corporation.

If you have a board of elected / chosen members that directs and / or votes on various company initiatives.

If you want income to be passed on to individual members for taxation reporting purposes.

C-Corp vs. S-Corp

Default type of corporation - Elect by filing IRS Form 2553

Corporate tax plus personal income tax on dividends - Personal income tax on profits

Better for raising venture capital - Hard to raise venture capital

Unlimited shareholders, multiple classes of stock - 100 or fewer shareholders, one class of stock

U.S.-based and foreign shareholders okay - Shareholders must be U.S. citizens or residents

Corporation Filing